Upcoming Trainings

Yin Yoga Teacher Training
October 25th - 28th, 2024 at MIND.BODY.HUM

Level Two Yin Yoga Teacher Training
May 31st – June 7th, 2024 in Portugal

Yin Yoga Teacher Training

October 25th - 28th, 2024 at Mind Body Hum, Seattle

Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm  
Saturday, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm  
Sunday, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm  
Monday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm 

Total training hours: 35, 32 contact hours / 3 homework hours

Investment: $1050, A non-refundable deposit of $350 holds your spot

Learn to teach the foundations of Yin Yoga in this immersive teacher training in Seattle, WA. Yin Yoga is a meditative and centering yoga practice that is often described as the other half of exercise. It is a complementary practice to more active styles of yoga, supporting maintenance of mobility, and an opportunity to explore mindfulness and the more subtle aspects of a yoga practice. Yin Yoga offers a container to coax the nervous system into balance and promote deep rest. Yin Yoga is both ancient and modern, designed to enliven the tissues, soften and steady the heart, and enhance and balance our energetic system.

This Yin Yoga Teacher Training offers a blend of Yin Yoga classes lectures, hands-on exploration, and practice teaching.

Our training curriculum covers the following topics:

  • Classic Yin Poses (benefits, considerations & cautions, body types, modifications, variations, sequencing)

  • Benefits of Yin Yoga

  • Anatomy of Yin Yoga

  • Exploring sensation (tension, compression, opening, edges, discomfort, pain)

  • Inner Practice: Introduction to Meditation & Visualization

  • Restorative breathwork for nervous system support

  • Bioelectricity and the subtle body

  • Qi and meridian theory

  • History of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

  • Difference between Yin and Restorative Yoga

This training is for yoga teachers, acupuncturists, massage therapists and anyone that practices Yin Yoga who wants to dive deeper into the philosophy and practice of Yin Yoga.

Payment Details

Hold your spot today with either a full payment of $1050 or a deposit of $350. If you pay in full, a non-refundable $350 deposit is included in your total.

Email hello@innerland.studio with any questions.

Level 2 Yin Yoga Training + Immersion | Portugal

May 31 – June 7, 2024

Our inner and outer worlds are inextricably linked, and this connection influences our psychological, emotional and physical states. Living in alignment with nature — including our own — is a profound form of self-care. More than ever, these modern times call for reconnection to our inner world. A place where ease and peace are our natural state.

By developing our own set of practices, techniques and tools, supported by ancient wisdom and practical science, we can better listen to our physical and emotional bodies — and allow the answers to arrive.

Join me to explore and experience the intersection of Yin Yoga, traditional Chinese medicine, and the nervous system in stunning Portugal. 

This offering is a blend of my level two Yin Yoga Teacher Training and an immersion into the retreat life of a yogi. This cultural experience even includes an opportunity to learn to surf!

The location is remote, so this will be a week of retreat life that includes daily morning meditation, two yoga classes per day, lectures and hands-on exploration of the theory and practice of Yin Yoga, and nourishing local vegetarian meals. You will also have space each afternoon for yourself or surf lessons (highly recommended!).

See full details under Retreats

Words from Teacher Training Participants:

  • Taking this Yin training was one of the best decisions I've made, for expanding what I'm able to offer as a yoga teacher and for myself. This experience has it all, from meditation tools to meridians, yin poses with or without props and how to sequence with intention, exploration of physical and energetic anatomy, so much more, and the best part...a daily guided Yin class, which made it feel like such a retreat! Want to deepen your own Yin practice & understanding? Interested in teaching Yin classes? I'd love to share more if you want to know more. Ask me. I truly believe in this program and we all need more Yin in our busy lives!

    Krisitin Shaw

  • More than anything, though, this training has shifted my perspective on self care, health and rejuvenation. I feel more grounded and restored than I have in a long, long time and I am committed to making yin one of my weekly practices. This training and the yin practice is teaching me how to bring more "pause" into my life. The timing was divine.

    Adrienne Kimberly Rabena

  • Feeling so very grateful to have had the opportunity to study with Leah and Ara these last few weekends. As expected, the topic of yin yoga was covered thoroughly and beautifully...but so much deeper learning and beauty grew from this experience, as well. A really good yoga training not only makes you a more skilled and knowledgeable teacher; it also moves you gracefully forward along your own personal path. By any measure, this was a *very* good training. Thank you, Leah and Ara for sharing your light and holding the mirror just so to reflect mine.

    Jennifer Weston

  • "Taking the 50-hour live online yin yoga training with Leah was life-changing. Not only did it solidify my desire to teach yin, but it fostered a greater desire in me to slow down, care for myself, and be more present for the benefit of all beings. Leah took great care to share her wisdom with us but also created a sense of community amongst all of the trainees. This sangha building led to us learning from one another in a way that felt both magical and sincere. I feel immense gratitude that I had the opportunity to study with Leah; her depth of knowledge is beyond impressive and a true gift to practitioners everywhere. If you have the chance to study with Leah, you should absolutely take it." 

    Katie McKenna, Online TT Participant